About Course
Ria Ria Pi Ta is a structured online e-course of practical classes devoted to playing the Spanish Castanets, by Deanna Blacher.
On 3 levels, from complete beginners to advanced professional standards, the levels can be acquired individually or together in any combination.
Tried and tested over many years, these studies are sure to have beginners playing in record time.
More seasoned artists will rapidly improve their speed, control and dexterity.
Course Three:
What Exactly Am I Going To Get?
A summary of how the castanets are made and their makers.
20 plus exercises designed to develop speed and stamina, especially in the execution of the Carretillas.
1. Increasing the length of each exercise for stamina.
2. Building speed incrementally firstly through extended and faster arm movements and, secondly, through accentuating increased speed of left-hand beats to create a faster Carretlla.
Founder, Instituto de la Danza Espanola (IDE)
Member, International Dance Council
Conseil International de la Dance (CID)
Course Content
Ria Ria Pita Level 3 Introduction
Ria Ria Pita Level 3 Introduction